To connect to an SRT source, select the Stream / SRT option from the Add Input window and select either SRT (Caller), SRT (Listener) or SRT (Rendezvous) from the Stream Type dropdown.

The following settings are available:

Stream Type

Listener: Listen on the specified Port on all network adapters on the computer for connections. Hostname is ignored.
Caller: Connect to the specified Hostname and Port.

Rendezvous: Connect to the specified Hostname and Port. The other side must also be set to Rendezvous with an identical port number specified.
This mode allows connecting through most firewalls automatically.


Specify the latency of the connection in milliseconds to adapt to network congestion.
The higher this value, the better SRT can handle difficult network conditions.
As a general rule this should be set to at least 4x the ping time destination IP. So 20ms would require a latency setting of at least 80
This must be set to the same value on both ends.

Decoder Delay

Some encoders may not send evenly spaced frames, also known as jitter.

Encoders may also send audio long before or after the associated video frame.
To compensate for this, a Decoder Delay can be configured to allow for any potential jitter on the encoder side.

For example if frames may arrive 100ms apart, set the decoder delay here to at least 150.


Specify a password to encrypt the connection. This password must be used by both sides for the connection to be established.

Key Length

This is the encryption strength to use. Multiple by 8 to convert to bits, for example 32 = 256bit encryption.

Stream ID

Optional Stream ID that may be required by your streaming provider to uniquely identify the stream.

Use Hardware Decoder

Use accelerated decoding where available on the graphics card. The majority of modern graphics cards support both H264 and HEVC hardware decoding.

vMix will fall back to CPU decoding where available.

NOTE: To use an SRT source in Instant Replay, this option will need to be disabled so that CPU decoding is used only.

MultiCorder Recordings

Due to SRT using an already compressed video stream (in Transport Stream .ts format)

Any MultiCorder recordings of this input will save the stream directly to file without using the compression settings specified in the MultiCorder window.

Multi-Track Audio

Many SRT encoders will separate stereo pairs into separate audio tracks within the stream.
vMix will automatically combine these stereo pairs into a single multi-channel stream that can be controlled via the Audio Channel Matrix and Mixer features.